Tuesday, May 15, 2007

crazy talker and a cozyupper...

last night after a fulfilling energy class, i got on the N train, and i could hear an older man talking to a younger woman (my age) - and i sat down kind of next to them (their seats were perpindicular to mine) - and this guy was TALKING. about everything, the book she was reading, cuba, florida... told her not to read the book in florida because they hate cubans... and was just going on and on.. .trying to guess her profession...
so i started thinking of ways to save her.. i was thinking i should say "HI JEN!!!! how ARE you!!!???" but then i thought if i did that he would start talking to both of us how the subway is so crazy for meeting people. i didnt want to catch the guys eye either. then a guy got on and sat next to me. and started FALLING ASLEEP AND SLOWLY leaning INTO ME!!!! so i am staring at him, willing him not to fall on me, but slowly, slowly... so finally i pushed him, he "woke up" then started at it AGAIN. and i started thinking "if this guy falls on me, talker is going to comment on it, then i will have to talk to the talker..." then i was thinking about how i would react if someones HEAD with HAIR fell on my BARE ARM. and i realized i would probably yell and jump... then i was wondering if he was doing it on purpose... wanted a cuddle.. finally, he got off... without falling onto me.

but the talker was still going strong. i heard him say "im a writer, producer, director of movies..." and ithought "here we go, i am GOING to have to intervene now - he is going to ask her to be in a 'film' that obviously will be porn" but then he said he is working on a horror film...
he then asked her if he would see her again. again, i thought i would have to intervene... but she said "do you ride the train a lot?" it was great.

so then FINALLY he got off. 2 stops before me. i looked at the girl who made a face and i said "ohmygod!!! i kept trying to think of how i could save you!!!" so we chatted about him the rest of the way- then the guy next to me chimed in about how he felt bad... and how he feels bad for girls etc.

it was a lovely chat and she appreciated that we all felt for her...

it was nice to bond with someone on the subway - makes the other people real...

1 comment:

Sarahviz said...

Ok, so I have to tell you I just saw your dad at a Chamber dinner and couldn't stop staring at him b/c you look so much like him--it's all in the eyes and nose. Totally. Miss you!